
Monday, January 2, 2012

Windows XP Tweaks

Tweaks or Tweaking refers to the modification of a complex system to improve the system or its overall performance.

Note that this guide will let you change some of registry entries which if you failed to follow might cause system instability.  But if you will follow carefully all that is listed, then you wont encounter any problem.

Stop some  local services.

Go to start -> RUN -> type "services.msc" without qoute ->click OK or press enter.

 Locate the following services and set it to DISABLED then Click Stop
Application Management
Automatic Updates
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Error Reporting Service
Fast User Switching Compatibility
Portable Media Serial Number Service
Remote Registry
Routing and Remote Access
Task Scheduler
Uninterruptible Power Supply

Change Recycle Bin size to 1%

Right Click "Recycle Bin" -> Properties
Slide or change the recycle Bin size to at least 1%

Registry Hack
 Click Start-->RUN-->Type "REGEDIT" without qoute-->Click OK or press ENTER
Navigate and Modify the following Registry Entries:
Auto Sort Start Menu
Go to Edit/Permissions, click Advanced, clear the "Inherit From Parent" check box, click Copy from the dialog box, click OK and then clear the "Full Control" for your account and now Windows will autp sort the start menu, but you can still do it too

Disable User Tracking
Add or Edit DWORD = NoInstrumentation, Value = 1
Disables Windows user tracking; better performance, much better privacy

Cache Thumbnails
Add or Edit DWORD = DisableThumbnailCache, Value = 1
Disables thumbnails in Windows, saving hard drive space

Kill Chrashed Apps Quicker
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Add or Edit Sring = HungAppTimeout, Value = 1000-5000
Cuts time for Windows to recongize a crashed application and allow you to kill it; default is 5000(for 5 seconds)

Faster Start MenuHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
Add or Edit Sring = MenuShowDelay, Value = 0 - 400
Changes the delay that for Windows to show a menu in the start menu; value is in ms

Network Intelligently
Add or Edit String = DisableTaskOffload, Value = 1
Frees processor from doing network-card work

Browse the Network Faster
Delete subkeys {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} and {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}
Speeds up network browsing of old Windows machines on the LAN by ignoring their scheduled tasks and printers

Remove Compression Option In Disk Cleanup
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress old files
Delete the Default Value Key and the next time you start Disk Cleanup, it will skip the compression analyisis